Author Archives: admin

Revealed: Rashtrapati Bhavan


The film, ‘Reveled: Rashtrapati Bhavan’, visualizes the magnum opus of Edwin Lutyens’ great architectural project in imperial India in retrospect of India’s colonial past. The film traces the history, legends, architectural genius and disputes that made the house of the President of India. The film takes viewers through the traditions, new practices and old reminisces of Rashtrapati Bhavan, telling the story of India’s most important building from its imperial past, now the first residence of the Republic. It explores the rooms, corridors and exquisite state halls for the first time on international television. It encapsulates within the span of 44 minutes the making and function of the grand residence of the President of India.

Series Title: Revealed: Rashtrapati Bhavan
Channel: Discovery Channel India
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Duration: 1 x 45 minutes
Language: English

Revealed: National Defence Academy


The proposed one hour film goes behinds the scenes to understand what makes the NDA such a unique institution. Steeped in tradition and lore, the NDA campus would be the centerpiece of the film. The film would explore the landscape and the buildings that make up the NDA. It would dwell upon the history of the NDA and how it trains a young cadet into a soldier, an officer. The film will be shot in the NDA campus and also feature alumni of the academy who have gone on to become an important part of the Indian Armed Forces.

Series Title: Revealed: National Defence Academy
Discovery Channel India
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Duration: 1 x 45 minutes
Language: English


  • Won a Gold Award for Best Technical Non-Fiction Sound, 2015.

Revealed: Line of Control


The LOC was the original ceasefire line (CFL) that was agreed upon on 01 Jan’ 1949 following the first Indo-Pak war (1947-48) in J&K. The CFL was later modified after the 1971 war and re-designated as the Line of Control in June 1972, after the Simla Agreement. The delineated Line of Control – that is now accepted internationally as a de-facto divide – was finalized on December 11, 1972 at Suchetgarh between Lt. Gen. P.S. Bhagat, VC of the Indian Army and Lt. Gen. Hameed Khan of the Pakistan Army.

In the past, the LOC was a constant source of tension between the two countries, and a theatre of three wars. Since 1989, it has witnessed frequent infiltration, attempts, cross border shelling and heavy firing. In 1999, the two countries had gone to war over the control of territories along the barren heights of the northern reaches of the LOC near Kargil. Today, though troops are eye ball to eye ball in places and stressed to maintain the security of the LOC, it is much better managed and more peaceful. But better management and relative peace comes with a price.


Series Description

Revealed: The Line of Control tells the story of the 740 kilometer Line of Control (LOC) which forms part of the politico-military frontier of India and Pakistan in Jammu & Kashmir. The show looks at the challenges of managing this difficult frontier that topographically starts from plains and soon enters hilly jungle terrain and ends at the snowy heights along a glacier.

The show travels with Indian officers and soldiers, to understand how they defend the LOC, with training maneuvers and border patrols. As part of the journey the series will also go behind the scenes to demonstrate the logistics, planning and technology that goes into monitoring this border. This show looks at what it takes to keep this line of control efficiently managed, secure and peaceful.

Series Title: Revealed: Line of Control
Channel: Discovery Channel India
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Duration: 1 x 45 Minutes
Language: English


  • Nominated for Best TV Documentary and Best Videography at the 14th Indian Television Academy Awards, 2014.

Revealed: India Living Tradition



Revealed: India Living Tradition showcases lesser known facets of India’s vibrant cultural practices, fascinating living traditions, unique art forms and amazing natural phenomena.

The episode takes viewers on explorations across India, revealing intriguing aspects of some of India’s lesser known communities, customs, myths, folklore, festivals/fairs, performing arts and crafts, topography and architecture.

Extensive research and identification of locations, practices and local characters has been an important part of the production process for the series.

Series Title: Revealed: India Living Tradition
Discovery Asia Pacific
Aspect Ratio:
1 x 25 Minutes
Language: English